Latest Job Openings

Security Architect

Works in active partnership with business including solution, infrastructure, and application architects to perform security architecture risk assessments.

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Incident Response Specialist

The successful candidate must possess an extensive understanding of digital investigations and their underlying principles.

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Why Hirevergence

Any company can say they’re the experts at Linding top security talent. But we prove it day in and day out, finding the best talent for our clients. Information security courses through our veins. Don’t laugh, but we take great pride understanding the different
technologies and consistently playing an active role in the information security community. Because it all fuels our ability to keep improving our unique process of identifying quality candidates. And in the end, you’ll have a candidate like no other because you used a company like no other.



This is a paragraph about how all these companies contribute to the awesomeness that is hirevergence. How they all play their different rolls and this is about as long as this section needs to be at the very lease.


Leading employers around the country and right here in sunny
Tampa Bay consistently turn to HireVergence. So whether you’re
looking for permanent or contract talent in cyber security,
information technology and sales, one thing’s for certain. You’ve
come to the right website. 

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We’ve walked in your shoes and we’ve felt your frustrations with
recruiting Lirms. You see, HireVergence was founded by cyber
security leaders who were employers just like you. That empathy
and understanding drives us to help bridge that annoying
knowledge gap between recruiting and security. 

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